Acute Dialysis

For patients in critical condition, who - resulting from the state of their health - cannot be transported to a dialysis station but are in need of acute renal replacement therapy, bedside dialysis is provided in the hospital they are admitted to. For Hungarian nationals, the treatment is financed by the National Health Insurance Fund. The treatment personnel as well as the necessary equipment and expendable materials are provided by our company

Conditions in which renal replacement therapy is absolutely necessary regardless of all other simultaneously detectable symptoms, laboratory parameters or lack thereof:

- extreme hypervolaemia, unresponsive to diuretics therapy
- life-threatening hyperkalaemia
- extreme acidosis (below pH 7.2 )
- Development of uremic syndrome
- specific poisoning (antifreeze, methanol, etc.).
- acute renal failure (Se Creatinine 300-500 umol / l, CN 35-45 mmol / l), especially if the renal failure occurs as part of multi organ failure (MOF) .

Upon limited renal functionality or the reasonable suspicion thereof, consultancy with a nephrology specialist is necessary.

Things to do upon the requirement to perform on site acute dialysis treatment:
The consent of the patient or in case of unconsciousness the consent of the patient's closest relative to perform the central venous cannulation and the dialysis treatment must be obtained.

Our physician in attendance must be telephoned. (06-30/400-9200, message: 224-00-44, fax: 213-77-48) When leaving a message, please provide your whereabouts to facilitate being called back (telephone number, department and name of the reporting person).

Please fill out the treatment request form.

Declaration of approval of placement central venous catheter

I the undersigned.....................................................(name)............................(date of birth) hereby certify that my physician, Dr. .............................................
has sufficiently brought the information below to my knowledge:

  • My illness is the failure of the renal function, which necessitates artificial kidney or peritoneal dialysis treatment. I hereby acknowledge that the refusal to undergo dialysis treatment may soon lead to my death.
  • A sufficient blood flow is necessary for the recommended treatment, which can be achieved by means of a connection between an artery and a vein (Cimino fistula) or with the help of a central venous catheter. The central venous catheter may be placed into the jugular, the axillary, the subclavian or the femoral vein by the following method: after disinfection of the skin surface in question an anaesthetic is applied (Lidocain). The plastic catheter is then introduced into the vein in aseptic conditions by using a special hypodermic needle. After introduction, the catheter is fixed and it may provide access to the bloodstream necessary for the treatment over a long period of time.
  • Some rare complications of the catheter insertion may be pneumothorax as a result of piercing the pleura, very rarely haemothorax or other complications may also occur. If pneumothorax occurs, it disappears over a few days on its own in most cases. Significant pneumothoraces may be cured by suction, which should be continued until pleurodesis is achieved (usually 5-7 days) occasionally with the help of a surgically inserted drain tube.
  •     I hereby acknowledge that by refusing the insertion of a central venous cannula, my artificial kidney treatment cannot be performed.

       In consideration of the above and the verbal explanation provided, I hereby:

    agree to the catheter treatment* refuse to allow the catheter treatment and exonerate the physicians from the responsibilities concerning the omission of the treatment and its consequences.*
    ................................................. .................................................
    (signature of the patient) (stamp and signature of the physician)

    * delete as appropriate

    Declaration of approval of artificial kidney treatment

    I the undersigned.....................................................(name)............................(date of birth) hereby certify that my physician, Dr. ............................................. has sufficiently brought the information below to my knowledge:

  • My illness is the failure of the renal function.
  • Recommended treatment: Artificial detoxification using equipment (haemodialysis). No medication or dietary treatments can substitute it at this stage.
  • The renal function has failed, the kidney is no longer able to extract toxic wastes and fluids from the bloodstream, therefore the cleansing of the blood with the help of extracorporeal equipment and then reintroduction of the clean blood into the organism is necessary. By inserting a needle into the patient's blood vessel, the blood is pumped out and driven trough a cleansing system after which the clean blood is reintroduced into the patient's bloodstream. The treatment is conducted in the presence of a specialised nurse or specialist physician. The removal of the toxins is done by means of a filter (dialysator).
  • I hereby acknowledge that upon proper treatment the following complications may rarely emerge: headache, nausea, emesis, muscular cramp, chest pain, allergic reactions and fluctuation of the blood pressure.
  • In the event that I should refuse to undergo the above treatment, I acknowledge that only peritoneal dialysis may serve as a substitute treatment for my illness. I hereby acknowledge that the refusal of the peritoneal dialysis as well will lead to the deterioration of the state of my health which may rapidly lead to my death. In this case I hereby exonerate the physicians from all relevant responsibilities.

  •    In consideration of the above and the verbal explanation provided, I hereby

    agree to the dialysis treatment* refuse the dialysis treatment.*
    ................................................. .................................................
    (signature of the patient) (stamp and signature of the physician)

    * delete as appropriate

    The declarations may be downloaded from the downloads menu.

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