HAEMOBIL Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.

Public information

Year of establishment: 1991 / 2000

Company registration number: : Bp 01-09-910557

Tax identification number: : 20609948-1-41

Bank account number: OTP Rt. 11702036-20546542

IBAN : HU73 1170 2036 2054 6542 0000 0000

The Budapest Facility:

Address: 1025, Budapest, Vend utca 20.

Postal address: 1255, Budapest. PO Box 45th


Office and patient transportation: +36 (1) 224-00-44,

Acute dialysis: +36 (30) 400-92-00.

Fax : (1) 213-77-48

E-Mail address: haemobil@mail.datanet.hu

Patient transportation e-mail: betegszallitas@haemobil.hu

Managing Director : Dr. Vámos Zoltán, chief physician

Nursing Director : Stiller Margit, nephrology specialist nurse

Our company operates in conformity with the MSZ EN ISO 9001:2000 quality management system.
Date of first certification: 25.06.2004

Mainacute dialysisacute plasmapheresisPatient Transportationkidney patient recreationmagyardeutsch